xiven.com stating the blatantly obvious since 2002


I discovered yesterday that my microwave interferes with my wireless network. I'm trying to work out whether to be more worried about the emissions from the microwave or the emissions from the wireless network…

Posted: 2006-10-04 17:18:35 UTC by Xiven | Cross-references (0) | Comments (4)




  • Kai Hendry (2006-10-05 04:12:18 UTC)

    You should watch the movie "Thank you for smoking". There is an excellent scene near the end about mobile phones.

    With a choice between brain cancer or testicular cancer, I know what I'd rather have. ;)

  • Graham Pike (2006-10-05 07:45:52 UTC)

    You could always learn to cook with a proper oven...

  • Anonymous (2006-10-28 07:07:11 UTC)

    I think what is really interfereing with your wireless connection is your lawnmower. I know how bad emmisions can be, and I know how bad interuptions can be in an internet connection or phone call, so I can take the mower off your hands if you want, giving you nothing to worry about in the future (except the emmisions)

  • Tom Oliver (2006-10-28 07:07:47 UTC)

    Oh sorry, that was me, your good friend, Tom Oliver. I forgot to name myself.