A Necessary Evil

Signups are now open for Voidwars Game 2 (A Necessary Evil
New and exciting additions to the game include:
- Wrap-around map - Send your ship off the left-hand side of the map, it reappears on the right-hand side
- Fuel - Ships now consume fuel as they move (effectively restricting their range). They can be refuelled at friendly and allied shipyards and refuelling stations.
3 Races! - There are now 3 complete races in the game (the usual
plus the newBakani
So, in conclusion, lots of new features, go sign up now. ☺
Update: All places are full now. Sorry if you wanted to play and didn't get to sign up, but as always places in the game are strictly limited by the size of the game map.
Posted: 2003-06-05 18:04:43 UTC by Xiven | Cross-references (0) | Comments (1)
Anonymous (2003-08-04 18:48:00 UTC)
Bad!!!!! Very very very very bad