xiven.com stating the blatantly obvious since 2002

Boogie-Woogie Feng-Shui

Some minor modifications to the weblog:

This is all part of the master plan to make this weblog more like the Ultimate Weblogging System (next on the list is non-crufty URIs).

Posted: 2003-05-12 18:21:36 UTC by Xiven | Cross-references (0) | Comments (2)




  • Freaky (2003-05-13 16:20:57 UTC)

    Tsk, copycat. When are we going to be able to download all this? Your OmniCore link 404's :)

    Non crufty URL's were the first thing I did on aagh.net, btw; you'll note /blog/2002/, /blog/2003/01/ etc all work. You'll also note what a mess this makes of searching, since you get 4+ hits per entry (entry itself, all entries on that day, all entries on that month, and all entries on that year). This is where having an internal anchor on an archive page actually helps matters, since your content's all in one place. I guess making those archives a summary rather than a full blog view would help.

    I've got Warble's successor (Warble being the engine behind aagh.net) in development at the moment (with the somewhat ironic codename "Wishful Thinking") with the aim of producing a system I can deploy on a few different sites and release publically without dieing of shame (you should see my Page.php now; it's almost as bad as phpNuke ;). Unfortunately it could be ready for deployment anywhere between next week and next century (those who know me will point to the latter).

    WT will be GPL'd over my dead body though. BSD forever! :P

  • Xiven (Registered) (2003-05-13 16:36:15 UTC)

    "Tsk, copycat. When are we going to be able to download all this? Your OmniCore link 404's :)"

    Much like yours, sometime in the next century. I really should fix that 404 though...