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Viewing entries for November 2004

W3C meets WC3

[12:59:55] <GwieF|work> hmmmm.. if you repeatedly click on a w3c member do they keep giving you corney lines and then eventually explode?

[13:07:45] <GwieF|work> 'w3c reporting', 'is your page valid', 'mmm goats cheese', 'remember to use SOAP', 'In just ten years, W3C has developed more than eighty technical specifications for the Web's infrastructure. However, the Web is still young and there is still a lot of work to do', 'SpecML is the future of rabbits everywhere' 'INRIA DARPA CERN WSDL CCPP DSIG SML SSML SVG RDF OWL KMS P3P QA URL XSLT DOM.... BOOOOOM"
[13:08:02] <Hixie> o_O
[13:08:25] <Hixie> you need more work.

Posted: 2004-11-18 17:52:30 UTC by Xiven | Cross-references (0) | Comments (0)

Firefox 1.0 is out!

Need I say more? Download it now!

Posted: 2004-11-09 12:27:37 UTC by Xiven | Cross-references (0) | Comments (0)